
Dedicated to the Passionate Pursuit of the Glory of God.

Puritan Catechism Question of the Week
Q 16. Into what estate did the fall bring mankind?
A. The fall brought mankind into a state of sin and misery.

Name: Mike
Location: California, United States
See my complete profile

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Brief commentary by David Wells

I found this interesting little article by David Wells in a recent response at Reformation 21. The following quotation was a great bit of irony that Wells picked up on:

This last year, there was a brief media buzz leading up to Christmas over the
fact that many megachurches cancelled Christmas day worship services. (What
sense could a Martian have made of the fact that in America, many Christians, on
the one hand, were arguing for the freedom at Christmas time to place religious
symbols in public places while, on the other hand, other Christians in the
megachurches were closing the doors of their churches, on Christmas day no less,
closing the doors on the most visible religious symbols in our society?!) The
reasons given for this were that Christmas day is family time, that it was
unnecessary to worship on Christmas day because many would have been to
pre-Christmas services and, further, that it would be unnecessary because people
were being supplied with videos for that day.

I will not comment beyond this because I think that this horse has already been beated enough. Suffice it to say, I hope that this was a learning experience for some of the Pastors at several churches and probably for those in the pews as well.

In Christ alone,


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